PLANS to convert a Boscombe hotel into a hostel for “vulnerable people” have been withdrawn following a wave of protest from local residents and civic leaders.

More than 100 letters of objection were sent to the Town Hall after Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (BCHA) sought planning permission to provide accommodation on a site currently occupied by the Calcot Hotel in Westby Road.

Proprietor John Maloney, who has run the hotel for 21 years, told the Daily Echo of his plans to sell up and retire, revealing how the premises had been on the market for over a year.

But neighbours were unhappy with the proposals. Peter May, who has lived next-door for 44 years, said: “Westby Road has improved in recent years and a hostel is the last thing we want opening here.”

Concerned residents won backing from local ward councillors including Chris Wakefield, who pledged to oppose the conversion plans.

He said: “I am glad that the BCHA have taken into account the wider needs of the local community and the long-term impact that such a hostel would have had on this area.

“I wish them well in the good work that they continue to undertake.”

The BCHA stressed, however, that the application had been withdrawn after its partner Bournemouth Vineyard Church had been unable to secure necessary funding.

Director of operations and development Ron Peak said: “We were aware of some local opposition and had BCHA and Bournemouth Vineyard Church been able to proceed with the proposed development we would have continued to work with the local community.”