BOVINGTON’s Tank Museum marked the completion of a decade’s work as the final phase of a £16.5 million redevelopment project opened its doors the public.

The new 50,000sqft exhibition hall was unveiled on Saturday – coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the Bovington-based Royal Armoured Corps.

For the first time visitors could see the just-completed exhibition The Tank Story, charting the history of the tank from its First World War origins, with 30 on display, including the notorious German Tiger I.

Here the story of the soldiers who crewed the vehicles was also brought to life through audio visual displays comprising veteran’s interviews and historic footage.

Spokesman Nik Wyness said: “The new exhibition looks amazing – it is really nice, after the long haul we’ve been through, to sit back and see people interacting with the exhibition and enjoying it.”

There were also live tank demonstrations in the new arena, a performance from the Light Cavalry band, and the Royal Armoured Corps parachute display team quite literally dropped in.

Serving Royal Armoured Corps soldiers, many who have returned from active service in Iraq and Afghanistan, were on hand throughout, providing talks and demonstrations on the practices and paraphernalia of modern warfare.

Nik added: “It’s a rare occasion where the public are able to get close to serving soldiers, ask questions, and give them a slap on the back and show their appreciation.”

The day marked the completion of the At Close Quarters redevelopment project, which has taken almost 10 years.