PRACTICE has made perfect for young New Zealander Andrew Aldridge, according to Buccaneers team manager Garry May.

The Kiwi, who had looked a bit shaky on his Bournemouth debut at Isle of Wight earlier this month, has stepped up a gear in their past two matches.

And Aldridge’s gutsy eight paid 10 and slick 11 paid 13 performances against Islanders at home and away at Newport, respectively, will have boosted his confidence no end.

May said: “Andrew only lost out on a paid maximum against Hornets when the crank case |on his engine split in half |when he was on a 5-1 with Jay Herne.

“He was a lot slower on the island but has been practising after meetings at Poole and that’s helped him.

“Andrew’s putting loads of effort in because he wants to do well.

“He realises the team is good and he doesn’t want to let the other boys down by being left behind.”

Bournemouth have won their opening three matches by big margins, but May insists they shouldn’t be complacent against Newport in the cup tonight.

May, whose side will book a two-legged quarter-final tie against Weymouth if they complete an aggregate triumph, said: “I’m pleased with the way it’s going.

“Especially after all the hard work Matt Ford and Giles Hartwell put in over the |winter to get this team up and running.

“We’ve got a great atmosphere in the team and it’s all coming good on the track.

“But it’s only half a job done. Newport can come to Dorset, someone in our team could get injured, they could click and it could go the other way.

“So we’re aware we’ve still got to finish the job off at home.

“That’s why I’m looking to see more of the Pirates fans coming to see us, particularly as there was no Elite League match at Poole last night.”

Buccaneers go into tonight’s meeting with the same seven riders on duty at Newport, but Hornets are without Tom Young, who broke an arm in the first leg.

Admission is reduced to £10 (adults) and £3 (children aged 11 to 15) for tonight’s meeting, with under-11s getting free entry.

Bournemouth: Jay Herne, Luke Priest, Kyle Newman, Andrew Aldridge, Mark Baseby, Aaron Baseby, Jerran Hart.

Newport: Lee Dicken, Sam Hurst, Tony Atkin, Richard Andrews, Karl Mason, Shelby Rutherford, A N Other.