IT’S a tense time for the Daily Echo’s Great Citizens finalists as they await the result of the Cruise the Coast competition on Friday.

Both finalists, who have been nominated as amazing examples of community spirit and for their tireless and selfless work, will hear the announcement live on Coast on Friday morning at 8-9am.

The winner of the competition will spend a week on a luxury yacht in the South of France, where they will live the millionaire lifestyle for a week.

“Community hero” John Hanrahan was nominated by four people for his work in Ferndown.

Despite eight heart operations he is the driving force behind the local Jujitsu club, the co-ordinator for Neighbourhood Watch, a member of Ferndown Carnival Committee and helps with the PTA.

He said: “I do feel a bit embarrassed because I do these things because I enjoy them. It seems strange to be nominated for something that I honestly love doing.”

Norma Sarafin Penny was nominated by her daughters for two decades of fostering and adult education work.

For 20 years she has taken in troubled teenagers and been teaching adult education and drama in Bournemouth.

She said: “I do find all the attention a little overwhelming but I am very excited about it.”