IT IS odd that the reassuring instruction ‘Don’t panic’ sometimes has the opposite effect on those at whom it is aimed.

As our writer discovered, this doesn’t quite include the shoppers of Boscombe whose concerns towards the current swine flu threat seem somewhat muted.

But while there are plenty of people starting to take notice of the rising number of cases worldwide, it’s worrying to think how many people are going to pay much attention to the government’s efforts to persuade us we have the power to keep it in check. It is impossible to highlight the threat of germs spreading through coughing and sneezing without having to create graphic and unpleasant TV and print media information campaigns.

But unless we realise there are some very simple ways of protecting ourselves and others from the kind of germs that make our lives miserable, for however short a time through colds and flu, the more serious strains will be allowed to do their worst.

  • I DON'T like bullying stories and have generally preferred to allow head teachers to deal with the situation rather than publish.

It was, however, the right decision to run today’s YouTube-related story, just as it was right not to name the alleged victim.

Why? Because parents who don’t know what their little cherubs are getting up to with their precious camera phones bought by mummy and daddy really should...