CHRISTCHURCH council’s planning committee controversially endorsed proposals to expand Christchurch Library into Kelly’s Kitchen last night.

The committee, which was reduced to just three councillors including the chairman, raised no objection to Dorset County Council’s plans, despite objecting to the proposal last time around.

Cllr Myra Mawbey and Cllr Fred Neale both agreed the eatery, run by Terry and Rose Kelly, could move into alternative premises in the town.

And they agreed with the borough planning officer that the plan to change the frontage of the building was an improvement on the current façade.

Dorset County Council want more space for extra books, computers and study areas after national guidance indicated the library should be three times its current size.

Although the vote was carried 2-1, Cllr David Jones, chairman of the planning committee strongly objected to the proposal siding with thousands of customers and local residents who have written letters and signed a petition in objection to the plans.

His objections were centered on the government’s objective to improve the vitality and viability of town centres.

He said: “This application has been before us once before when the economy looked considerably rosier and we raised objections then.

“And as far as I am concerned it is still the case now. I cannot support these plans as they will damage the town of Christchurch.”

The decision on the county council’s plans for the expansion will be made this morning at County Hall in Dorchester.

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