LOYAL supporters of Kelly’s Kitchen have been given yet another stay of execution after Dorset County Council’s planning committee deferred the decision to expand Christchurch library yesterday.

The nine county council committee members urged their planning officers to look again at alternatives that could accommodate a library extension without leading to the closure of the popular High Street café.

Around 50 people made the trip to County Hall in Dorchester for the meeting along with nine representatives speaking on behalf of the restaurant.

A petition with 5,967 signatures and 1,892 letters were sent to the council objecting to the proposals with 23 letters including one letter from the Friends of Christchurch library sent in support of the plans.

A surprising 2-1 decision by Christchurch Borough Council’s planning committee in favour of the proposals on Thursday evening, shocked supporters after the committee raised objections to the same application last time around.

Cllr Alan Griffiths, leader of the council said despite Thursday’s result, the majority of borough councillors strongly objected to expansion of the library in this way.

He added: “These plans will not contribute to the viability and vitality of our town centre. It will do substantial damage to the town centre and contravenes government planning policy.

“Christchurch has not been hit as hard by the recession as other towns and I am urging you not to kick us in the teeth as it will hurt us.”

While agreeing the library should have better services, all the speakers, including Terry Kelly, Cllr Colin Jamieson, regional organiser of the Federation of Small Businesses and Terry Atkinson, secretary for Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce all indicated the different ways the town would suffer should the eaterie close.

Due to the obvious level of concern over the loss of the restaurant, all the councillors were unanimous in their decision to defer the proposal.