MYSTERY surrounds the future of a vast Purbeck estate that was put up for sale at £25 million.

But one man who won’t be moving in is tycoon Sir Richard Branson, who toured the Encombe Estate in January. His publicist confirmed he has not bought the estate.

It went on the market last autumn but it now appears that it has not sold, after agent Savills said it was “no longer on the market”.

But a spokesman would give no further details, leaving questions over what is happening to the mansion between Swanage and Lulworth.

As well as Sir Richard’s interest, pop star Kylie Minogue was rumoured to have been keen on the Grade II listed property, which has 12 bedrooms, a swimming pool and a Grecian-style temple, when it went up for sale in 2002.

American merchant banker Charles McVeigh eventually bought the estate for £15m.

He and his wife have improved the home, replacing Victorian plate glass with Georgian sash windows and creating a new forecourt.

When the estate went up for sale, the McVeighs said they had found another property to take on and restore.

They said at the time: “It has been a huge privilege to have lived at Encombe for the last six years and to have been its custodian over that time.

“The challenge of restoring an important heritage property inspired us to acquire Encombe and we have had enormous enjoyment in making all the improvements we have to both the house and the estate.”

The Encombe Estate has only changed hands five times in its 1,000-year history.

In the 18th century it was owned by John Pitt, who was a distant relative of Prime Minister William Pitt, and was sold in 1807 to Lord Eldon, the Lord Chancellor.

It stayed in his family until Mr McVeigh bought it in 2002.

The Echo was unable to contact Mr McVeigh at Encombe.