A FORMER headmistress of Bournemouth School for Girls has died aged 85.

Helen Braund was headmistress from 1976 to 1983 during a period of great change to the education system and continued to take an active interest and support the school during retirement.

Brought up in Newcastle upon Tyne, Miss Braund spent two years reading maths at Durham University before being drafted into the WAFF where she worked with Bomber Command in Lincoln, training pilots to use new radar equipment.

This experience coupled with her course meant she was granted her degree and went on to teacher training, specialising in music.

She worked in Sibford and Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, before joining Bournemouth School for Girls as a mathematics teacher.

A member of the Association of Assistant Mistresses, Miss Braund became National President.

When Miss Braund retired, she continued to have a broad range of interests and supported many organisations. She and the close friend with whom she lived with held coffee events to raise money for Dorset Wildlife Trust.

Miss Braund’s sister Barbara Kennedy, a retired music teacher, said a tremendous number of cards and letters had been sent to her from people who wanted to pay tribute to her sister’s life.

“I knew she was a special person but she must have been so special to so many people as well,” she said.

Helen Bayliss, chairman of the Old Girls Association, said: “She lived life to the full, she was interested in everyone with whom she came into contact, she had time to listen and she was fun to be with.

“Helen will be very sadly missed.”

Noel Spreadbury, chair of governors at the school, said: “She was held in great esteem and had many contacts with the school in supporting it since she retired. In that capacity she will be greatly missed.”

A service of thanksgiving is being held on Wednesday May 27 at 2.30pm at Christchurch Priory.

Donations are being accepted for Dorset Wildlife Trust.