VANDALS sprayed their tags over a monument to Britain’s fallen war heroes – just days before Remembrance Sunday.

The graffiti on the war memorial statue in Broadstone, Poole, prompted widespread anger and upset.

It happened during the week seven more British soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan and a university student faced jail for urinating on a memorial in Sheffield.

Howard Fairman, Dorset County Secretary of the Royal British Legion, said: “It is so sad we have individuals who don’t appreciate the people who have fought for our freedom, both now and in the past.

“If they are unable to relate to that they should keep quiet rather than trying to make a statement.”

It is believed the vandals struck on Sunday, November 1.

Poole council staff worked all week to clean the memorial in time for Remembrance Sunday.

It is the second year in a row the Broadstone statue, situated at the top of the recreation ground, has been defaced in the run-up to Remembrance Day.

Roy Jenkins, chairman of the Broadstone Residents’ Association, said people had been “appalled” at the latest incident.

He said: “It is beyond understanding that anyone could desecrate our memorial just before Remembrance Sunday and in view of current events in Afghanistan.”

The grade II listed statue, created by sculptor Gilbert William Bayes, was erected in 1920.

It was part of a dedication by Marion Kennedy, of Delph House, to “the men of the parish who had served their King and Country in the Great War”.

Much of the graffiti was removed but part of one tag has proved stubborn and may not be able to be removed completely.

Cllr Don Collier, the council’s portfolio holder for the environment, said: “Every effort is being made to remove the graffiti without damaging the memorial.”

Sgt Andy Jenkins, from the Broadstone and Merley Safer Neighbourhood Team, described the vandals’ act as “despicable”. He said: “This crime has upset a lot of people as it is a very sensitive time.”

He appealed for anyone with information about who may have carried out the vandalism to contact Dorset Police on 01202 222222 as soon as possible.