A LONG-running bid to redevelop a Tuckton garage with a convenience store and mix of housing looks set to succeed at the third attempt.

Plans for Pentons Garage, on Tuckton Road and Old Priory Road, have been submitted twice in the last three years and have also gone to an appeal, where an inspector supported the council’s decision to refuse permission.

But crucially the inspector ruled that the layout, scale, bulk and design of the buildings were acceptable and that a new convenience store, probably a Tesco Express, would not impact on existing local shops.

The new proposals have changed only minimally and would see the site developed with a small supermarket, 45 sheltered apartments, 12 affordable dwellings and five bungalows.

Because the developers need to demolish an existing social club and public toilets, they are also planning to build replacement facilities within the mixed use scheme.

The plans have sparked 19 letters of objection from residents, who claim the development is too high and big, the replacement toilets will be less convenient for shoppers, there is no need for a new shop in Tuckton and that the site is unsuitable for affordable housing.

But at Monday’s planning meeting, councillors will be urged to approve the plans.

In his report to members, principal planning officer Barry Carse stated: “The proposal would result in the redevelopment of a site which at present makes very little contribution to the quality of the local environment.”