EMERGENCY repairs are under way at Boscombe Pier after an unexpected change in the sea-bed level left structural piles exposed.

Divers are being lifted in and out of the water by mini crane to carry out the unscheduled work, expected to take four weeks.

Members of the public are barred from the final 15ft of the pier while the repairs are carried out.

Bournemouth council has stressed the work is nothing to do with the nearby controversial surf reef.

Small sections of the structural piles supporting the pier head are exposed and in need of additional protection.

A spokesman for the council said the work being carried out will increase the protection and life of the piles in the seabed.

The work is being carried out by Carillion plc, the company responsible for the entire pier renovation project, and will not cost the council any extra money.

“These works are essential in maintaining Boscombe Pier, which has been a key part of the overall regeneration of Boscombe seafront,” said Cllr Anne Filer, cabinet member for leisure and tourism.

“The pier recently won the prestigious Pier of the Year award, making this something that we can be really proud of.”

Carillion plc project manager Greg Smith added: “Carillion will complete these works as quickly as possible and in order to do so asks the public to keep clear of the working area on the pier head during the construction period.”

Local councillor Phil Stanley-Watts said: “I am pleased the repairs are not going to cost the council any more money.

“We need a pier that is functioning property and personally I would like to see attractions and events eventually held on the pier itself.”