A BUS careered into the beer garden of a Poole pub, just minutes after it had been cleared of drinkers. Steve Lock, manager of the George Hotel, said the incident occurred just as the garden and smoking area had been emptied for closing time.

The Wilts and Dorset bus lost control as it left the George roundabout and smashed through the garden wall at around 12.30am on Saturday morning.

No passengers were on the bus as it was out of service at the time, but the driver had to be treated for shock. Mr Lock said: “It was a really busy night because of the England football match and there could have been any number of people out there had it happened a few minutes earlier.

“I am just pleased no-one was injured.” Barmaid Ali Reay, who was working at the time, described the “massive crash” as the bus hit the side of the pub. She said: “The building shook, and I looked out and saw a tilted bus in the wall.

“Our other barmaid had only been out there a couple of minutes earlier putting the bin bags out.”

Alex Carter, managing director for Wilts and Dorset, said the reason for the crash was unclear and a full investigation would be carried out. He said: “On exiting the roundabout the driver evidently lost control of the bus, causing it to spin. “It was very fortunate the accident wasn’t worse.”

Persistent rain on Friday night had created slippery driving conditions.