A QUESTION mark is hovering over £2.3 million of funding earmarked for a base for council services in Boscombe, Bournemouth council has admitted.

The council is seeking permission to knock down part of the Bournemouth Centre for Community Arts building, in Haviland Road, as part of its plans for a “hub” where a multi-agency team supporting children, young people and adults would be based.

At least 483 objections have been lodged against the council’s application following a determined campaign by BCCA Friends, which is fighting to turn the building into a community centre.

The group is also calling on council leaders to hold a public meeting.

Cllr MacLoughlin said: “In light of recent reductions in government spending we are awaiting news on whether the funding for this project remains secure. However if the project is able to move forward then I believe it would be helpful to engage with the local community to explain the benefits of the project.”

In a statement BCCA Friends said that the council has continuously “deviated from the criteria”, which would make it difficult to allow it to keep the grant.

They added: “Duplication of services for drug addicts and alcoholics at BCCA is not good management with the new polyclinic in Palmerston Road already set up to help them.”

However Bournemouth council said if it had not met the criteria for the bid it would have been unsuccessful in its application.

Deputy leader of the council Cllr John Beesley said: “The claim by the Friends of BCCA is absolutely not true.

“Our successful bid to co-locate professionals in Boscombe to support local children and their families never included plans for a community arts facility.

“We had hoped that this could be an added benefit,” he added.

If the application is recommended for approval it will go before the planning board for a final decision either in July or August.