TOBY the grey seal caused quite a stir on Bournemouth beach at the weekend when he popped up to pay a rare visit to Poole Bay.

But beach-goers captivated by Toby’s antics in the sea east of Boscombe Pier on Saturday were warned not to approach the cute creature.

After being alerted by RNLI lifeguards, Dorset co-ordinator for British Divers Marine Life Rescue Jenny O’Connor went to check that the playful visitor wasn’t injured.

She told the Daily Echo: “He may look cute but he’s not cuddly; like all wild animals he should not be approached.

“He’s happy for people to watch him from the shore line but children and dogs should be kept away from Toby as he may carry disease and he could bite if harassed.”

She also urged swimmers to steer clear of Toby who is about 13 years old and between eight and ten feet long.

Toby has been spotted in the sea from shorelines spanning Southampton to Swanage since 2005.

Jenny said: “He is normally seen around the Isle of Wight and off Mudeford; he’s only around Poole Bay two or three times a year, usually in winter.”

Yesterday there was no sign of Toby from Boscombe beach but seafront ranger Dave Brooks said he had spotted him on Saturday at about 5 pm.

Mr Brooks said: “He was messing around in the water. He looked full of fish and very happy. There have been no reported sightings today.”

Ranger Wayne Lilley said he had seen Toby about a month and a half ago.

“Seals aren’t as common as dolphins. The last time I saw one here was about eight years ago.

“About a month ago I was on the cliff-top when I saw Toby was skimming the top of the water and going down about 200 metres. We know he is around when the birds circle above him.

“He’s quite a sight when he pokes his head out, it’s usually early in the morning.”