AN OFFICIAL England shirt signed by the World Cup 2010 squad is to be auctioned off to raise money for Poole Hospital’s charity The Wish List.

The auction will take place at the Highcliff Marriott on Wednesday where more than 100 local businessmen will watch the crucial England v Slovenia match.

The shirt and authentication certificate was donated by mum and local PA Annalea Dominguez.

The money will be used to fund equipment for Poole Hospital’s maternity unit and neo-natal intensive care unit which cares for sick and premature babies.

Annalea said: “This is a charity very close to my heart as my daughter was born at Poole Hospital and the care we received from the staff was fantastic.

“This is a great opportunity to assist them in raising funds to improve the facilities.”

Bill Buckler of property development company, AIR Investments Ltd, assisted Annalea in trying to achieve the maximum for the Wish List charity.

He said: “AIR Investments are delighted to assist in raising money for such a worthwhile local cause and hope that a good result on the day will put local England fans in the mood to put their hands in the air when the bidding commences.”

To make a donation to the Wish List contact barbara.diggens or see related links below