Seven months of planning, networking etc etc and it is now only two weeks until we take off on our 6000 mile journey to deliver the Land Rover Discovery, which was just going to get a quick service and wash but seems to have been transformed.

The idea now is to get it there!, although I have become quiet attached to it, but the end result is it is now an asset to the children’s school for many years to come.

The reason it’s the last update from me, is the NEW website is now live! You can follow our progress, watch videos and read our daily blogs and still see the map but also we now have (by popular demand!) a sponsors page.

It will be apparent who needs to send me their company logo, but if you have not got one, contact Giles Brinkman of Brinkman Designs who I’m sure can help “brand” you up at a reasonable price!

As you will see, we have the corporate sponsors on the home page and who also feature on the vehicle and if you think you would like to see your company across the 18 countries and receive “unique” photos of the vehicle in spectacular places then there is still a few spaces on the bonnet at £300 per A4 size, mine and the team’s passion will be continuing on the trip, so you know you will get value for money PR!

We have now made our final donation to the main charity of Sworde Teppa who have received nearly £4000 and with the equipment and vehicle will take us to the £10,000 target. We have also made a donation to The Oliver Stokes Foundation and will be making a donation to Make a Wish before we leave!

Suffice to say, there is alot going on along the trip from making tea, serving Voltz, delivering letters from the local school children to visiting the Headquarters of Manas Petroleum in Switzerland and not forgetting daily videos, photos, blogs and David writing (hopefully) the book of our journey.

If you want to know more please give me a call this week, as we leave Wimborne from the Oddfellows Arms at 2pm on Friday 2nd July.

Many thanks to all of you for the support, and please continue to follow your investment on the website!

p.s. to those of you who have showed concern about the current “Deadly Ethnic Unrest” in Osh , we do have a plan b, but it involves a 3 mile tunnel into the mountains.