A CALL to boost Bournemouth’s income by seeking a sponsor for the seafront has been dismissed as “unrealistic”.

Council bosses admitted they were struggling to hold on to their existing sponsors and advertisers in the current economic climate.

And they said there was little chance of attracting new ones because most businesses were cutting the amount they were spending on advertising.

Boscombe West Cllr Philip Stanley-Watts had raised the idea, claiming that sponsorship money could be used to maintain frontline services.

But Cllr Anne Filer, cabinet member for tourism, replied: “The recession has had a very deep impact on the ability for sponsorship to be a reliable source of revenue.

“The council has specialist contractors who deliver sponsorship and advertising opportunities, including those on the seafront.

“Unfortunately they found it extremely difficult to maintain income levels in the current economic climate.

“In one instance, we have not been able to renew a contract as a result of difficult trading.

“Major events sponsorship is much more challenging and has required more resources to bring in similar amounts of income.

“Even the high profile balloon in the Gardens, one of the best sponsorship opportunities in the town, has not managed yet to secure a sponsor for its commercial operator.”

She added: “Therefore, to rely on increased advertising income on the seafront is an unrealistic proposition in the current economic climate.”

Mr Stanley Reeves, managing director of Bournemouth Balloon owners S&D Leisure, said they were currently in negotiations with a sponsor but nothing had been signed.