FEARS have been raised that valuable green belt land is under threat from an application for a large campsite on the edge of Poole.

Residents believe the plans for a 68-pitch site at Lake Farm, Ashington, would be “inappropriate” for an area recognised as a conservation area.

There are concerns approving the plans could pave the way for further development in the area.

Dave Carpenter, resident of Willett Road and member of Friends of Rural Ashington (FORA), said: “It is an inappropriate development in a conservation area.

“The site is not suitable for the increase in traffic that it would generate.

“A conservation area is designed to protect an area.”

Residents have managed to see off two similar applications in recent years.

One attempted to bring a gypsy and traveller site to Merley Hall Farm, while the other planned an eight-pitch caravan site.

As Ashington lies inside the green belt and a conservation area, it is subject to special controls to preserve its character. The latest application for the campsite, which would lie off Willet Road, has received dozens of objections from angry residents.

Peter Crouch, from Merley Park Road, said: “I am concerned that the precedent of overturning green belt policy and offering opportunity to change the use will offer future hope to caravan parks and thus housing.”

Fiona Ferguson, also from Merley Park Road, said the proposed campsite would “ruin a beautiful area and cause unnecessary pollution”.

Other objections focus on noise, light pollution and drainage issues.

A decision on the campsite application is likely to be reached at the start of July.