We have just had the longest day – the summer solstice and I celebrated it in tipi in the New Forest.

It’s a wonderful time of year and the garden and vegetable plots are beginning to thrive with the long warm days, which we are experiencing at the moment.

I have just picked my first handful of peas to eat raw in my salad. They are sweet and juicy and will be a welcome addition to my lunchtime munch. I am going to sow some more peas to extend the season and there is still time to sow crops like carrots, lettuce, beetroot and radishes to fill any gaps or put them in pots on the patio.

My little experiment with micro salad leaves is going well. It was too hot for them in the greenhouse, so I moved them to a place, which doesn’t get direct sunlight but is still brightly lit by the sun. A week on and the seeds have sprouted, although some of the beetroot seeds, still can’t make up their minds whether to germinate or not.

My flower garden is looking pretty, with the Astrantias in flower. I have been waiting for my dahlias to make an appearance but it seems that half my stock has been killed off by the cold winter. I think I will buy some more when I pay a visit to Hilltop later on in the year as they have a wonderful selection and then I think in future, I will dig them up and store them in the greenhouse, when the first frosts appear.

Don’t forget to water your vegetables, pots and any plants, which have been recently planted into the borders, in the hot weather and do it in the evening or early in the morning to avoid evaporation and scorching the leaves.

This is the best time of year with many plants like roses in full bloom, to visit gardens. So if you visit any which you think are fab, do let us know, especially if they sell tea and cake!