THE typical expression of an England fan watching a match varies. Even when we’re 1-0 up.

It can be that of a person struggling to blow up a balloon as tough as a Spacehopper.

Or a man on holiday who has just realised that he’s left the back door unlocked.

Or a woman on holiday who has just rememb- ered that her husband, who left the back door unlocked, had poured himself a drink or three to get in the holiday spirit prior to leaving.

Sometimes, too, you see a look of immense relief, reminiscent of that on the face of the man, who forgot to buy his partner’s lottery ticket, when he finds out she would have lost.

And then there’s the rare look of unexpected ecstasy, matched only by that of the plain bloke who asks out Cheryl Cole. And she says “yes”.

When the whistle blew after the Slovenia match, that was the look on every England fan’s face.

Normally, we English are a buttoned-up lot (when sober) but studying a fan watching a match speaks volumes about our characteristics.

Fair play? We’re outraged by the cheating when Defoe’s flattened in a despicable challenge.

Hypocrisy? By contrast, when our man makes a robust tackle, he was clearly going for the ball.

Courtesy? Our player helps up a Slovenian he’s just fouled. (But making sure the ref’s looking.) Pessimism? That constant sense of foreboding even when we’re winning by a goal.

Moderation? Our celebration after Defoe’s strike.

And humour? Steady. Football is no joking matter and once again winning the World Cup in South Africa is serious business indeed.

So it’s game on again. Unless you think the great herd of 'Three Lions' fans are having a giraffe?