WHILE crowds in London, Manchester and Bristol cheer on England in their biggest game for four years at massive outdoor screenings, people in Bournemouth will be treated to a 50-year-old film.

Thousands will watch England vs Germany at fan parks in the UK’s big cities on Sunday afternoon, but Bournemouth is opting to show Some Like It Hot instead.

Council bosses are hoping the weather will match the name of the film in what they call a “perfect alternative to the World Cup” on the big screen in the Lower Gardens.

Director of tourism Mark Smith said: “In Bournemouth, we feel it is important to consider everyone. We have a fantastic programme of events which we hope will offer a great alternative to the World Cup, for those that want something different.”

The ‘Open Air Cinema’ screen is showing the tennis at Wimbledon.

It will remain in the gardens until July 18 and will also host a digital arts and animation event, Public Domain.