AMONG the bric-a-brac and antiques at Wimborne Market, I was delighted to find a stall where nobody was actually selling anything... but giving things away!

The stall, run by the Christadelphian Church in Parkstone, Broadstone and Winton, offers free literature.

It can be found in Hall 3 every Friday and Saturday. Each church takes a turn every three weeks.

Parkstone Christadelphian Church has recently celebrated half a century at its location in Douglas Road. Fifty four years ago (in January 1956), a few members from Winton Christadelphian Church hired a back room in the old Co-op building in Ashley Road (now the Parkstone pub) to run a series of Bible talks. Interest was so great that a few individuals decided to start a church in the area. A small strip of unused land was purchased for just over £4,000 and a brick-built hall was opened on June 6, 1960.

Ross King, preaching secretary at Parkstone Christadelphian Church, told me that in 1960 the Echo ran a double-page feature on the hall.

“We are glad that a handful of members from those pioneering days are still with us,” he said. “We are a happy family church and we tried to reflect this by inviting along as many friends and family to our celebration of the 50th anniversary.”

Ross told me a little about the beliefs of the Christadelphians.

“Our aim is to get as close to the original set of beliefs held by the 1st Century Church before it became overlaid with men’s thoughts and traditions, which are seldom the same as God’s,” he said. “We can only do our best in this regard and try to have due humility that though we don’t have all the answers, we can say that every point of belief is firmly anchored in the Scriptures. “We believe in one God and that Jesus was sent as the answer to the barrier of sin between God and Man.

“Jesus’ sinless life and death enabled this barrier to be defeated and allow Man and God to be reunited in love and fellowship. “Our overriding hope is that this reunion will be in what the Bible calls The Kingdom of God. “Adult baptism is a key feature of our beliefs and just last week we witnessed a total immersion at Douglas Road.”

The name Christadelphian means “Brethren in Christ” but Ross assures me that the church is not sexist and welcomes sisters too!

* Visit the website