ROLL up roll up. The Lighthouse Poole is looking for performers to join in a free Family Circus Arts Fun Day this Sunday.

The day will be packed with events and activities for families to get inside (and upside down). With unexpected performances from circus artists, it marks the end of the venue’s contemporary circus season.

Highlights include trapeze tasters with Gorilla Circus, theatrical make-up by Arts University College at Bournemouth who will be demonstrating their make-up and hair skills on members of the public. Not to mention circus skills with Jamie Jigsaw and hula hooping with Hazey Hoop, plus much more.

To get in the swing of things I joined aerial artists Ockham’s Razor, who performed their show, The Mill last week at the Lighthouse. The company specialises in creating physical theatre on pieces of aerial equipment that combines circus, dance and visual theatre, creating work that tells a story.

They also have an ominous looking large wheel made of wood and steel which is powered by performers and suspended three metres in the air.

After some persuasion, performers Alex Harvey and Charlotte Mooney had me running like mad in the giant treadmill and balancing on barrels.

“Once you’re inside the wheel, it’s like a tumble-dryer,” says Alex Harvey.

Family Circus Arts Fun Day takes place this Sunday at the Poole Lighthouse from 11.00am – 4.00pm.