It's a very short blog from me this week and I just want to mention one horrifying incident that has taken place.

A number of cyclists were knocked down after a motorist appeared to deliberately plough his car straight into them. The driver has been questioned by police in Brazil about the incident.

The cyclists were at an event organised by Critical Mass, which promotes cycling as a sustainable form of transport, in the southern city of Porto Alegre.

A number were taken to hospital for treatment after being hit by car, which video footage appears to show deliberately accelerating through the slow-moving group.

The driver is apparently claiming that he acted in self defence after he felt threatened by cyclists banging on his car roof. Brazilian media have reported that Mr Neis could face charges of attempted murder if it is shown that he acted deliberately.

Critical Mass events are becoming more popular and are intended to promote cycling as a form of transport. It only takes a quick search on the internet to find more examples of riders being deliberately run over or attacked, in one case in America by a policeman! These events are intended to be peaceful and suitable for families to attend, but if violence continues to take place by people outside of the event, what is the future?

I'm not going to make any further comment this week as I don't want to enter into any kind of driver versus cyclist debate.

Be safe.