TRAVELLERS have moved into a car park at Ringwood just days after being moved on from the local Recreation Ground.

Town clerk of Ringwood Town Council, Terry Simpson said he was aware a group of travellers had moved onto the long-stay lorry park next to the A31.

“They’ve spread themselves out a bit but this time New Forest District Council are dealing with the issue as they are not on town council land”, Mr Simpson said.

Following their departure from Carvers Recreation Ground last week, the travellers moved to Avon Heath Country Park, before moving back to Ringwood on Wednesday afternoon.

Ringwood Town Council was forced to call in specialist contractors to clear up an area of land behind the pavilion on the cricket ground after the group packed up and left.

“They had piled some rubbish up but then we discovered they had used the back of the pavilion as a toilet. It smelt awful.”

A spokesperson for New Forest District Council, who owns the car park, said they were aware of the travellers’ arrival and their legal team was looking at their options.