SCHOOLCHILDREN will have to pay more to get on a school bus, under a new price hike announced by Dorset County Council.

They will also be competing for fewer seats under the changes, rubber-stamped by the council’s cabinet in the face of soaring transport cuts.

In an effort to make savings, from September prices of concessionary passes for pupils who aren’t entitled to free school transport will rise from £250 to £400 a year.

But the academic year will also see a decline in the number of these seats available. Charges for replacing a lost bus pass will double from £10 to £20.

County hall bosses say competition for the concessionary seats will be judged on strict criteria such as disability, special educational needs and medical conditions.

Pupils who get free travel to school are unaffected by the rises, developed by a transport policy development panel.

Toni Coombs, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “We have to make substantial savings over the coming years across the council and we are working hard to protect frontlines ervices.

“However, we can no longer afford to subsidise consessionary home-to-school transport to the extent we have done.”

The changes bring Dorset in line with other local authorities and reflect the “true cost” of the service, she said.

“We appreciate that these changes will be challenging for families and are looking at introducing alternative options for payment, such as increasing the number of instalments, to help ease the burden,” she added.

Details will be sent to parents next Thursday. Visit dorsetfor changes or call 01305 221060.