BOURNEMOUTH Council is still seeking £40,000 to £45,000 to build an ‘outdoor gym’ on the seafront.

The news came at this week’s full council meeting.

Cllr Phil Stanley-Watts, Boscombe West, is calling for funding for a gym aimed at the elderly.

He said it would also help boost numbers on the beach.

“With increasing rates of obesity, I think we should be encouraging all ages to use the beach,” he has previously told the Echo.

He asked for an update on progress at the meeting.

Cllr Rod Cooper, cabinet member for leisure and tourism, said a set of gym facilities between the piers – including signs and ground works – was costed at £40,000 to £45,000.

He said: “An application was made to the Primary Care Trust for funding for the scheme but the money available wasn’t enough.

“Officers are now looking for other sources of funding but have not been successful so far.

“The scheme remains active and could be provided successfully if funding becomes available.”

Last year, the council did a study into outdoor gyms and ‘trim trails’.

The tourism panel was told that if they were to be trialled in Bournemouth, the seafront was the best place to do it.

The meeting minutes say: “Although the seafront was an obvious tourist attraction, it was also used frequently by local people and groups of young people for exercise and sport.

“Members were assured that if successful any scheme on the seafront could be introduced into other parts of the borough. Ideally everyone would be able to have free and easy access to a facility in their local area.”