BOURNEMOUTH’S new Olympic-sized community cycle track at Slades Farm was officially unveiled at the weekend.

Funded by British Cycling, Bournemouth council and housing development contributions, the 250-metre track is constructed from recycled materials and the first to be built in the UK since 1962.

Civic dignitaries joined local residents and cyclists of all ages to celebrate the opening of the long-awaited new attraction on Saturday.

British Cycling and the Bournemouth Arrows cycling club provided track demonstrations and offered advice on track racing and how to use the new facility.

There was also plenty to keep the children occupied with a bouncy castle, inflatable games, face painting, Jamie the Jester and sports activities.

Cllr Rod Cooper, the borough’s Cabinet member for economy, leisure and tourism, described the opening of Bournemouth Cycling Centre as “a real celebration and a fun day for all the family”.

He added: “The new facility offers people of all ages and abilities an opportunity to enjoy cycling in a safe, controlled and traffic-free environment.

“It will allow the entire community to enjoy activities including competitive cycle training and racing, learning to ride a bike, cycling for exercise, in-line skating and running.”

British Cycling’s Chief Executive Ian Drake said: “It’s a perfect example of the continued efforts we are making, together with Sport England, to create excellent modern cycling facilities across the UK.

“The new facility will support the growth of our sport at the grassroots to develop future cycling stars.”