TRAVELLERS appear to be staying put on two sections of land in Bournemouth and Poole.

Around 12 caravans moved onto land by the A338 Wessex Way, between the rear of the Royal Bournemouth Hospital and the sewage treatment plant at the beginning of June.

While Christchurch Borough Council say they are keeping an eye on the situation they say the matter is out of their hands as land is owned by Iford Golf Centre.

And this week residents in Creekmoor have raised concerns about a group of travellers who have pitched up on council-owned land.

A convoy of around 15 caravans and one motor home arrived on land at Longmeadows Lane in Creekmoor last weekend.

Broadstone resident Patricia Willis, a retired travel representative, told the Echo: “Residents are still traumatised after the horrendous fire on Upton Heath.

“We now have another problem on our hands.”

She added: “Why is there one rule for travellers and another for law abiding, rate paying citizens like myself?

“We are fined if we drop litter and get tickets for parking where we shouldn’t.” But Chris Whitewell, the Director of the charity Friends, Families and Travellers, said councils are not doing enough to help the travelling community, 25,000 of whom do not have an authorised site to live on.

“A large majority of travellers want a permanent base. I do not believe the councils are doing their job in providing enough authorised sites” he said.

“Travellers without sites are homeless and councils have a duty to look after the homeless.”

He said he believes the problem of travellers moving onto unauthorised sites is going to get worse as there may be fewer sites in the future.

A review of services offered by local authorities in Dorset is due to be carried out this summer.

Poole council has one authorised site, but no transit sites and Peter Haikin, Regulatory Services Manager said: “Council officers have visited every day, to provide refuse sacks, assess behaviour and reduce any impact on the local area.

“We have also been in negotiations with the farmer who leases the land, and have met with a number of residents to address their concerns.”