A POOLE church is reeling after being targeted by thieves for the second time in just three months.

Parkstone Baptist Church lost around £3,000 of computer and musical equipment in the latest burglary.

In May they also lost around £5,000 of musical recording and computer equipment and were left with an £8,000 repair bill after thieves stripped lead off the roof during the same raid.

The Rev Paul Holmes told the Daily Echo the church now faces another cost – upgrading security.

“This is so disappointing, as we don’t want to turn church buildings, which are here for the community, into fortresses,” he said.

“It is a challenge to get the balance right between security and still remaining a place which is relatively open.

“Everything we have lost has been bought through the offerings of the church congregation.

“We don’t get money from government, council or nationally through our church organisation. This equipment came from ordinary people, so it is a real blow.”

In the latest burglary, which took place at the church in Loch Road, between the evening of August 20 and the morning of August 21, a range of audio and computer equipment was taken.

This haul included a Peavey Mixer amplifier, a Mackie 1604 Vlz PRO studio mixer, a Power Amplifier, two Audio Technica microphones, an Alesis DM5 drum synthesiser, a Gooseneck microphone, a MESH PC tower and a silver Philips flat screen monitor.

PC Sean Todd, of Poole police, said: “Many of the items are quite distinctive. I would like to hear from anyone who has been offered such items in unusual circumstances of for an unusually low price.”