CAMPAIGNERS against a potential travellers’ site in Bournemouth say their fight is gathering momentum.

As reported in the Daily Echo, businesses and residents in the Lansdowne area have set up the Save Lansdowne group over the proposed site at Park Road.

The site is the only one in Bournemouth to be shortlisted, while three others have been marked for possible further investigation.

This week, restaurateur Alex De Freitas, who is heading the group, made a deputation at a council cabinet meeting, which she said was ‘very well received’ by councillors.

She also held another meeting of the group at her restaurant in Lansdowne Road on Wednesday evening.

Alex said concern had been raised further by more reports of thefts this week in the area.

“What we have is people from Muscliff have now joined. I think the only people who are against what we’re doing is people that are nowhere near the proposed site, I think everyone else is in support of what we’re doing,” she said.

Michael Scott, the letting agent for the only house in Park Road, which has eight flats inside, said a travellers’ site nearby could make the flats extremely difficult to rent out.

Earlier this month the Daily Echo reported that Basil Burton, the chairman of the National Romani Rights Association, said protesters were showing prejudice in their attitude and had no proof that travellers would cause trouble.

The site off Park Road is a wooded area bordered by two main roads to the north and east and a car park to the south and it is proposed that it would house 10 transit pitches.

The site would only be available as a short-term solution as it is part of a proposed Wessex Way junction improvement.

Councils have been asked by the government to find potential travellers’ sites in their districts.

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