A COMMUNITY singing group has released a CD of ‘emotive covers’ to help raise vital funds for a mental health charity.

The Bere Regis-based Pamela Hoare Tribute Fund was set up by Alison Bennett after her mother, Pamela Hoare, died of vascular dementia last summer.

Alison brought together a group of friends and this month they recorded the CD Let The Memory Live Again to help raise money for the tribute fund and the Alzheimer’s Society.

Songs on the disc include Memory from the musical Cats, The Rose, Down Town, Those Were the Days, I Believe and I Dreamed a Dream.

The singers include Alison and her daughter Charlotte, Pastor Jim Morris, Julie Lye and Jade Hart.

Alison said: “Caring for my mother for quite a long time made me more aware and gave me a greater understanding of the condition.

Alison set up the Pamela Hoare Tribute Fund with help from the Alzheimer’s Society and set about raising the necessary money.

So far, with support from friends and the people of Bere Regis, she has raised more than £6,000 and hopes that the release of the CD in the run-up to Christmas will help fill the charity’s coffers.

She said: “Recording the CD was quite emotional because they are all emotive songs and they are raising money for an emotive issue.

“It is also a beautiful-looking CD. The cover was photographed by local man Philip Boreham and there is a lovely picture of my mother on the inside cover.”

As well as recording the CD, Alison is also chairwoman of the Bere Regis Pop In Place, which is a drop-in centre in the village’s North Street helping all members of the community.

• You can buy the CD by calling Alison on 01929 472023 or call into the Pop In Place at Bere Regis on Mondays and Fridays from 10am to noon.