LISA Northover pointed out a vomiting man slumped over a bench at 10am to prove her point about Boscombe Crescent.

“That’s the sort of reason I don’t want it to be enclosed,” said the ex-councillor.

“These railings are going to stop me coming in here, and it’s almost giving it up to people like that.”

She opposes the Victorian-style railings that are part of the council’s £55,000 plan to revamp the run-down area.

Lisa, a member of Boscombe Area Regeneration Group, said the railings will make people feel scared to walk through the crescent because they will feel trapped.

The metre-high railings will run around the north, east and west boundaries and Lisa said plans for the south side were scrapped following her objections.

She said: “I am all for money being spent on the Crescent but it’s never going to be a destination, it’s only going to be a place that people walk through.”

David Ifould , Bournemouth council’s landscape manager, said: “Generally, the masterplan has been very well received. The plan includes smart one-metre high railings to protect the plants as well as to encourage use of the footpaths.

“As no planting is proposed along Christchurch Road, no railings are proposed and it will allow for a clear and open view of the Crescent from Christchurch Road.”