THE Poole family of a senior firefighter have been reunited with their late father’s medals, stolen more than 10 years ago.

Smart detective work by a police constable helped recover the medals of Sir Kenneth Holland, former HM Chief Inspector of Fire Service in the 1970s, from across the world.

Sir Kenneth’s Dorset home was burgled in 2000 and his 20 medals were stolen. He joined the fire service in 1937 and served with distinction during the second world war before rising to the position of chief fire officer for West Riding in 1966.

He was appointed chief inspector in 1972, retired to Dorset and died in June 2005.

However in May 2010 some of the 20 medals were found for sale on the online auction site eBay. PC Aimee Garner took on the task of tracking down the medals and recovered some from as far away as New Zealand.

Sgt Cheyne Marley returned the medals to Sir Kenneth’s sons Peter and Keith and daughter Jackie.

“After the burglary,replacement medals were made, but these were never the same as the ones presented by the Queen,” said Peter Holland, who followed his father’s footsteps into the fire service and is now Chief Fire Officer for Lancashire.

“We would like to thank Dorset Police and PC Garner in particular, for recovering these medals,” he added.

Sgt Marley said: “I am delighted that we have been able to reunite these medals with the Holland family.

“Sir Kenneth Holland clearly deserved all the medals that he received through his lifetime of exceptional public service.

“I am pleased that these medals are back with his family.”