One of these three Poole Olympic stars is a proud member of an exclusive crew of heroic accidents at sea.

The invitation-only South West Shingles Yacht Club, was founded by Poole’s David Latchford for those who have made “mistakes” at sea and survived to tell the tale – often on the nation’s front pages.

Annie Lush is a member, having “T-boned” a boat while sailing in Australia but sisters Kate and Lucy Macgregor have yet to qualify.

“We don’t want them joining during the Olympics,” said club commodore David, of the world champion match racing team, who have already secured a place in next years events at Portland.

But to show their support for the local team, the club’s academy of younger family members and friends held a fundraising dinner for them at Poole’s Royal Motor Yacht Club and made around £8,000-10,000, thanks to the generosity of local companies and guests.

The unusual club was formed after David hit the South West Shingles buoy at 10 knots while raising the sails on his 30ft Moody yacht, as he sailed from Yarmouth, on the Isle of Wight, back to Poole.

It was the same day, in June 1984, that the frigate HMS Jupiter struck London Bridge, causing significant damage to both ship and structure.

“Someone said everybody has mistakes at sea,” said David. “I thought it would be rather nice if I formed a club, called the South West Shingles Yacht Club, for people who do make mistakes at sea.”

The illustrious 160-strong world-wide membership includes various high profile Royal Navy personnel such as Cdr Richard Farrington, whose destroyer HMS Nottingham struck Wolf Rock off the east coast of Australia in 2007 and Cdr Andy Coles of the submarine HMS Astute, which ran around off the Isle of Sky last year.

Among many well-known sailor members, is Tony Bullimore, whose rescue during the 1996 Vendee Globe single-handed race, when he survived in an air pocket in the upside-down boat in the Southern Ocean, gripped the public imagination.

“It’s gone from strength to strength,” said David. “It’s for people with like minds and attitudes. You made a mistake, it’s not the end of the world.”