In the first action of its kind Borough of Poole has been granted an enforcement order against a man who failed to complete work.

Trading Standards officers took action after complaints about groundwork contractor Matthew Stanley for leaving driveway and garden surfacing work unfinished.

The county court action followed three complaints from Poole residents who paid Mr Stanley of Fortescue Road, a combined total of more than £6,500 for work that he subsequently failed to substantially complete.

In two of the cases the customers had to employ other contractors at a cost of £5,500 and £2,720 respectively, to complete the work, said the council.

Bournemouth and Poole County Court granted an enforcement order under the Enterprise Act 2002 for breaching the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 when agreeing to blockpave driveways, build walls, steps and edge lawns.

The council also obtained a court order requiring Mr Stanley to provide details of customers for whom he carried out surfacing work between January 1 and August 2 2010.

In February this year the court ordered Mr Stanley to provide customers with written notice of their cancellation rights at the time work was agreed, after receiving evidence from trading standards officers.

“We hope that this action makes it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable and the council will take effective action against businesses that take residents’ money and fail to do the work they promise to do,” said Peter Haikin, regulatory services manager for environmental and consumer protection service.

Should Mr Stanley breach the orders, the matter will return to the court, which has powers to issue a custodial sentence.

And the council is appealing for anyone dissatisfied with work carried out by Mr Stanley to contact trading standards on 01202 261700. Other contractors who cold-call residents are also being investigated.

“These contractors targeted vulnerable and elderly people using high pressure selling techniques and deliberately failed to provide residents with written notice of their right to cancel when agreeing to the work,” said Mr Haikin.

“As well as carrying out sub-standard work, they have also used aggressive practices when asking for money.

“We would advise residents not to answer doorstep sellers but to use recommended and vetted trades-people such as members of the Buy With Confidence Scheme.”

l Contact 08454 040506.