A TAXI driver for the disabled was given a parking ticket for not showing her disabled badge – despite it being on her van’s dashboard.

Christine Cogen, a driver for Disabled Transport Services, drove to the back of the Dolphin Shopping Centre, Poole, to the disabled spaces, to drop off a passenger.

She said: “I did a job on Monday, for a pick up at 10am, for a lady who is a double amputee with no legs.”

She added: “I have a blue disabled badge on the dashboard but it sometimes slides around so you can’t always see it perfectly.”

“I was aware that the traffic warden was around because he was checking other cars, but I didn’t think anything of it.

“When I came to the front of the van he was there. I thought he was just looking at the tax disc but then I realised he was giving me a ticket.

“I said to him: ‘I’m a taxi driver for the disabled, I’ve just stopped to drop the passenger off. He replied: “It’s too late because I’ve printed out the ticket now.’ “He didn’t come round the vehicle to see if I was there. If he had, he would have seen I was operating the tail lift to let the passenger’s wheelchair out of the back.

Christine said she took the disabled badge out from the dashboard to show the parking inspector but he told her that as the ticket had been printed out, it was too late to cancel it.

“I’ve only had the van a little while and it was specifically bought for a contract we were given by Dorchester Council for a disabled boy and his supervisor.

“The ticket says it was issued because ‘The driver was parked in a disabled parking space without displaying the disabled badge within accordance.’ “I refuse to pay a £70 parking ticket because I dropped off a disabled person with their shopping.”

“How was I to know that the badge had slid down the dashboard? I usually check it, but this time I didn’t because I was at the back of the vehicle.”

Jason Benjamin, Parking Services Manager, Borough of Poole said: “Blue Badge Holders have to clearly display their blue badge on their dashboard so it can be seen by a Civil Enforcement Officer. “Drivers have the option to appeal as our procedures do allow for tickets to be overturned in mitigating circumstances.”