TRUSTEES at Bournemouth Aviation Museum have gone back to the drawing board after planning permission for a permanent siting of their static display at Adventure Wonderland was turned down.

The group of trustees who manage the display at Hurn, were disappointed when planning officers at Christchurch council turned down their request to permanently put their static aviation display at the Green Belt site along with five portacabins and two toilets.

Officers felt the proposal constituted “inappropriate development” within the Green Belt, which would harm its “landscape character and amenity quality”.

They also felt the junction of Parley Lane and Merritown Lane was unsuitable to cater for the additional traffic generated by the proposal.

Their decision notice said: “Any intensification of its use would be likely to have an adverse impact upon the free-flow of traffic along the County Distributor Road and be likely to cause additional danger to road users.”

Trustees have now applied for another three-year temporary extension while they look for alternative premises.

Their previous three-year temporary permission ran out in July.

The aviation museum was forced to close more than three years ago after the lease on their hanger was not renewed by airport owners, who were looking to use the land for an extension of their terminal car park.

Chairman of the trustees David Marsh said: “We are hoping that if we get the three-year temporary extension then it will give us time to consider the future.

“I am hoping that we can stay for another three years and take our time to try and find another site.

“I was disappointed with the decision because while I understand some of their reasons because of the Green Belt, the other grounds were a little bit harsh.”

He added: “It is difficult to find somewhere else which is suitable because of the type of exhibits.

“We are a valuable local amenity asset and are constantly working to get different aircraft.”