Proud Poole is celebrating a team triple and plans to honour its top speedway stars at a civic reception.

Poole Pirates swept to glory stacking up the Knockout Cup to join the Elite League Pairs trophy and the accolade of ending the season as Elite League champions.

They secured this ultimate speedway honour against nearest rivals Eastbourne Eagles, over a week ago.

The Wimborne Road stadium erupted with joy on Thursday night as the Pirates trounced Belle Vue 57-39 and slapped the icing on the cake, with Chris Holder and Darcy Ward the knockout stars.

With the trophy cabinet groaning with silverware, they celebrated with an exhibition of wheelies, donuts and champagne.

Among distinguished guests enjoying the trackside roar were Borough of Poole’s civic leaders, mayor Cllr Graham Wilson and council leader Cllr Elaine Atkinson.

“The Poole Pirates have once again had a successful season and made everyone in Poole extremely proud,” said Cllr Atkinson. “The team are a tremendous asset to the town and I look forward to seeing what they can accomplish next season.

“This week we have celebrated the leaves lifting on our world class Twin Sails Bridge and now we can celebrate the fantastic achievements of our world class speedway team.”

The speedway hot-shots have been invited to the Civic Centre on Wednesday when the borough will applaud their exploits with a special presentation.

The mayor said: “The achievements of the Poole Pirates this season are fantastic and I was thrilled to witness the Knockout Cup victory.

“I look forward to welcoming the team to the parlour next week to celebrate their achievements.”