A DORSET police officer charged with attempted GBH against a pregnant ex-partner made his first crown court appearance yesterday.

PC Matthew Cherry, 34, of Parkstone Avenue, Poole, is accused of attempting to inflict grievous bodily harm with intent on Caroline Latter on March 24.

Wearing a grey suit, black shirt and purple tie, Cherry appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court for the short preliminary hearing.

He was told he would next appear at Winchester Crown Court on Monday December 19 for another hearing where he is expected to enter a plea.

Cherry worked as a police officer in Poole and is currently suspended from duty.

He was released on conditional bail to live at an address in Kent as of Monday and report to Maidstone Police Station. Cherry was also ordered to comply with other conditions previously imposed by the court including to observe a 10pm to 6am curfew and wear an electronic tag.