A DAY centre user has spoken of his upset after staff cuts to Boscombe Day Centre were confirmed.

Alister Cadness, 41, from Boscombe: “I don’t want them to get rid of the staff. I love going there. We don’t agree with it, it’s not right.”

He spoke out after service users were told staff levels would drop from 10.76 full time equivalents to eight.

The council proposed the cut in the summer as it makes sweeping changes to save £500,000 a year.

It has already closed Darracott day centre in Pokesdown and Horizons in West Howe. Malvern in West Howe is due to close in December.

Tim Branson, service manager for provider services, said: “The manager at Boscombe Resource Centre is in discussion with clients to ensure they understand why the changes are taking place and addressing any concerns they may have.

“We are working with all our staff to ensure compulsory redundancies can be avoided where possible, particularly with the start-up of the new community-based service.”

Only Wallisdown and Boscombe Day centres will remain open and people will normally only have access to two and half days care.

There are 51 people currently in residential care who receive day care, and there are 72 people who live in the community and use day care.