COUNCILLORS in Poole will today consider a raft of proposals to save £700,000 from next year’s budget.

The cutback suggestions across Planning and Regeneration, Tourism and Town Centre Management and Transportation Services, are aimed at helping the council meet overall budget pressures of £5.4million in 2012/13.

Initial proposals include saving almost £200,000 spent on staff across the three areas, including £73,000 through a restructure of Parking Services.

Tourism and Town Centre Management could shave £23,000 by reducing the promotions budget, a staff restructure, income from events and advertising and reviewing costs.

Planning and Regeneration, which saved more than £650,000 in this year’s budget following a restructure, could save a further £26,000 under the report being considered by the Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee tonight.

Over the next three years, the borough needs to save almost £18million. The 2011/2012 net revenue budget was £102m.

Cllr Xena Dion, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transportation and Local Economy, said: “The context of this report is Poole’s ambition to be a successful 21st century town and I am especially pleased with the amount of partnership working that takes place in economic activities.

“While I am pleased with what has been achieved so far I recognise that more needs to be done and I hope the committee can produce some considered and constructive suggestions.”

Feedback from the meeting, which starts at 7pm at the Civic Centre, will be used to draw up revised proposals for the committee to consider on November 22. The budget goes before the full council on February 23 next year.