AN orthopaedic surgeon with experience at both ends of the scalpel has completed a gruelling 1,000km South African ‘Wild Coast’ dirt bike trek for children’s charities.

John Challis, of Belle View Farm, Swanage, covered 150km a day during the tough challenge – which was made all the tougher as he’s been fitted with two artificial hips.

John, aged 71, has already raised more than £2,000 for the children’s charities Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, UNICEF, Sentabele and Touch Africa, following his trek earlier this year But now the former surgeon, who found himself scrubbing up and back in the operating theatre – after volunteering for the World Orthopaedic Concern organisation a few years ago – hopes to top £3,000.

John was inspired to take on the South African terrain after he volunteered to work in two South African state hospitals four years ago.

“It was pretty hair-raising,” admitted John.

“I found myself back in the operating theatre and more or less running the unit having retired from active practice within the NHS some years previously.”

John says the experience acted as a stimulus to “get off my backside and prepare for the recent event.”

He joined a group of riders who spent up to eight hours a day on their bikes.

John said: “The terrain was challenging and in some places extreme. It made big demands on stamina and concentration.

“We had a lot of river crossings, at a guess between 30 and 40 during the week, and there were some difficult descents and climbs associated with these.”

Three teams of a dozen bikers took part and most of them got up close and personal with the African dirt on many occasions.

“I did this quite a few times,” said John. “I acquired a good collection of bruises and provided my team with some rest, and light relief and photo opportunities when an argument with a tree caused cuts that required stitches on the trail.”

John wants to thank Forest Fit, who helped with training sessions in Wareham Forest beforehand, and Jurassic Outdoors, Swanage, who helped with his kit.

To contribute to any of the mentioned charities, call John on 01929 427 625 or email him at <&bh""><&eh>