A TEENAGER who inflicted more than £15,000 worth of damage on parked vehicles in Bournemouth after a drunken argument with his girlfriend has walked free from court.

Judge Roger Jarvis deferred sentence on Kieran Ede for four months after hearing that a judge at Winchester Crown Court had given him a community sentence for a robbery earlier in January.

Stuart Ellacott, prosecuting, told Bournemouth Crown Court that Ede called the police on September 9 last year stating that he had damaged vehicles in the Westover Road area.

He told officers he had been drinking at the beach with his girlfriend and had walked off angrily after they rowed.

Officers found six damaged cars and vans, including a Mitsubishi used by the RNLI. Ede had smashed its windows and mirrors, and released the handbrake, allowing it to roll into a fence. The vehicle cost more £8,423 to repair.

A Sprinter van sustained £1,576 of damage after rolling into a wall.

Unemployed Ede, of Nutbane Close, Andover in Hampshire, admitted six offences of criminal damage and one of theft. The court heard that he had previous convictions and had robbed someone of a mobile phone while on bail for the Bournemouth offences.

The Winchester judge had sentenced him to an 18-month community order, with supervision and conditions that he attend a thinking skills programme, complete alcohol treatment and pay £100 compensation.

Judge Roger Jarvis put off sentencing until May 18 and asked for a report from the probation service.

“If you fail and go into custody, it will be your fault,” he warned Ede.