The Daily Echo can today reveal that Jake Brand is a career criminal with convictions for shoplifting and racially aggravated assaults.

The thug was so out of control as a teenager that he was handed an ASBO by police in Epsom, Surrey, where he previously lived.

The two-year order was granted in April 2008 when Brand was 18, and banned him from causing alarm, harassment or distress towards anyone in Surrey.

It also banned him from certain shops and areas of Epsom and made him comply with a curfew between 10.30pm and 7am unless with named individuals.

Speaking at the time, Epsom neighbourhood inspector Ailsa Quinlan said: “Jake Brand has persistently behaved in an anti-social way towards his neighbours and members of the Epsom community. The offences he committed, which mainly consisted of shoplifting, but also included racially aggravated assaults, had such a detrimental effect on the community that Surrey Police worked with our partners to bring about this ASBO.”

The ASBO finished in April 2010 – but by this time Brand and his family had already moved to Bournemouth.

Brand has also been convicted of affray after he threatened a man with a bladed article in Bournemouth town centre in September 2010.

The jury in the murder trial saw CCTV footage from the incident which showed an angry Brand remonstrating with another man after Brand hugged his girlfriend.

It was also revealed to them that Brand had been ‘stopped and searched’ by the police on 15 separate occasions between May 2008 and October 2010. No offensive weapon was found.

An hour before he stabbed Glyn Helliwell, Brand had been questioned by police in relation to theft of diesel.