STAFF at an animal rescue centre have attempted to fix up a ‘broken’ dog after he was brought into them as a stray.

Concisus, as he has been named by the staff at the Margaret Green Animal Rescue centre in Winterbourne Zelston, is Latin for broken, which the eight-month-old puppy has been dubbed, following an operation to amputate his front leg.

The dog warden brought him in after he was found by an elderly couple in the Ashley Heath area, scratching at their front door, in the early hours of Sunday January 8.

Clearly showing he felt pain in his front leg as he couldn’t put it down, an x-ray showed that he had an untreated fracture and the leg was so bad, it needed to be amputated.

Helen Chittock, deputy manager at the centre, said: “He stayed in over night at the vets on Tuesday night.

“Dogs that have to have a leg amputated tend to adapt very quickly and often we have some of them who are running around a field within two weeks.

“But considering how he was before, he is doing surprisingly well.

“I think that his owners may have waited to see if the fracture would heal by itself and when it didn’t, they just let him go.

“We really do see the worst state of some animals and we can usually tell the difference straight away between a dog that has run away and one that has been abandoned.

“It’s all about their state of health that they are found in and the abandoned ones usually have injuries or eye conditions.

“If people take the animal to the vets and it needs treatment, then contact the PDSA and see whether there is any financial help that you can get with the veterinary fees.

“Or if you know the vet well, then ask about organising a payment plan, so you don’t pay all the costs in one sum.”

Now Concisus is looking for the right owner to keep him in a loving home.

Margaret Green Animal Rescue rehome thousands of dogs throughout Dorset each year and need any financial support that people can offer to look after more sick and vulnerable animals.

For more information, search for Margaret Green Animal Rescue on or call 01929 471340.