TRAFFIC cops have been out catching motorists who continue to flout the law by driving while using their hand-held mobile phones.

The head of Dorset’s traffic unit says drivers are still putting people’s lives at risk by calling, texting, emailing or searching social networking sites.

One crew caught 18 people using their mobiles while driving along Bournemouth’s Castle Lane – most were on their iPhones.

As the Daily Echo has revealed driving using a mobile phone is more dangerous than drink or drug driving.

Last year 3,504 motorists were caught using their phones behind the wheel, up from the 3,229 detected in 2010.

Chief Inspector Bob Nichols said driver distraction is one of the main contributory factors in fatal and serious road accidents in Dorset and added: “No call is worth taking behind the wheel.”

Those caught driving while using their phones will received a £60 fine and three penalty points.

Here are some examples from motorists caught over the last week – - One man with 11 points was seen to drive through a red light whilst using his mobile.

He said that he wasn’t on his phone, he was checking his voicemail.

- A woman caught travelling at 94mph on the A30 stated she’d had an argument with her boyfriend and was taking it out on the car.

- A window cleaner was caught negotiating a junction without wearing a seatbelt and checking his emails on his phone.