A LITTLE diabetic girl with Cerebal Palsy will be setting out for charity on Sunday.

Jemma Dart, seven, has to endure several daily insulin injections after being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the tender age of three.

Mum Andrea, from Charlton Marshall, near Wimborne, faces a constant battle to keep the chirpy youngster’s sugar levels topped up. Together they’re doing the Diabetes UK Spring Hike and Bike, near Ringwood, at Moors Valley Country, and want others to take part.

Andrea said: “I think that many people don’t understand just how diabetes is.

“It is not something we can ever take a day off from.”

Each morning she drops Jemma at Cranborne First School with a lunch box and a detailed diary of what she’s already eaten to guide staff about how much insulin to give.

Emergency packs with glucose tablets, gels and glucose guns are on hand at all times in case of a hypo or hyper attack.

Andrea said: “You’ve got to be on the ball, I would imagine it is probably easier if it was yourself but we obviously don't know how she feels and are having to guess from readings.

“I’m so lucky that the diabetic team trained up three members of staff at Cranborne.”

Jemma’s diabetes symptoms of excessive urination and thirst were spotted as she recovered from a ‘revolting cold’.

“When it cleared she was still drinking like there was no tomorrow, but I thought she was just making up for the three weeks’ illness.

“Luckily for us her one-to-one assistant at school told us to get it checked out.

“She couldn’t look me in the face and I just knew then that it was serious.”

At an appointment the next day, doctors found Jemma’s blood sugar levels were off the scale. Andrea and husband James make sure she gets the most out of life with yoga, swimming and Riding for the Disabled lessons.

“She’s a very sociable little girl,” Andrea added. “Everybody in the village knows Jemma and we try to do as much as we can to help her physically, through exercise and being healthy.”

The Spring Hike and Bike has routes of up to seven miles. Entry is £5, under 10s go free. Visit diabetes.org.uk/springbikenhike or email south.west@diabetes.org.uk