After several years of managed overspend, Dorset Blind Association is about to report a second successive year of generating a surplus.

Chief executive officer Jonathan Holyhead, who has held the post for six years, is delighted with the charity’s progress.

He said: “The charity really wasn’t doing the best for the people in Dorset living with sight impairment so the decision was made to quite deliberately overspend to build up our services while we were still prudently able to.

“It has been a real team effort and I’ve worked very closely with John Andrews, the chair of trustees, so it is very pleasing to have backed ourselves with confidence to create the funding base on which to take the association forwards.”

A local independent charity which has been helping Dorset people live with sight loss since 1918, Dorset Blind Association receives no funding from central or local government and relies heavily on donations and membership fees, with some income coming from its transcription service.

Some 5,600 people in the county are registered blind and up to 20,000 live with significant sight loss.